I was carrying this chorus around in my back pocket for many years, but little did I know how relevant it would feel to finish it in 2020! A year in the wilderness for many of us, lol.
While writing this song I wanted to do my best to tap into the paradox that God is both a peaceful Father and the Lord over the wilderness. He is the lion and the lamb, reigning over the comfort and the chaos. It was largely inspired by the ocean, which is one of my favorite images of God that we have here on earth. It can bring so much tranquility, calm and beauty, while at the same time being fierce, dangerous, and full of unknowns. And personally, I love that man can't fully conquer the sea and how it demands a certain amount of respect and fear from us. Because in that very same way, we can never fully grasp everything about who God is in all of His mystery and power.
I, for one, don't want to lose that sense of mysticism and wonder. I don't want to forget the wildness of God that holds this very earth and appears in the form of fire and storms. And to be honest, I do forget… a lot. I get comfortable and I treat God like some sort of magical vending machine or like a friend that I’m avoiding because it would take like, way too long to catch up at this point lol. Not like the God who created the universe and deserves my undivided awe. And that makes me sad. There is so much grace offered in those moments, but I still get sad about it. Especially when I read stories like Joshua, with this God who leads His people into battle through the literal wilderness. A God who destroys cities and carries out justice and has His people march around the outside of a massive, fortified stronghold simply saying to trust Him and that He’ll handle it. Can you imagine how confusing that must have been lol?? Anyways I’m not a Bible teacher so I digress.. but if you happen to view God in a soft way, read the book of Joshua. It’ll do some stuff. I still haven’t recovered lol.
All that to say, I’ve realized I may not ever have all of the answers about God, but I think that’s ok. It could be good, even! Because a Being that is worthy of worship, worthy of our very lives even, cannot simply be defined in human terms. We sure try our best and end up beating each other up over it quite a bit lol, but I just don’t think it’s possible. But I do know this: despite all of this intimidating power and unknown, He cares deeply for me. He towers over the challenges I face like the tallest peaks. He has greater things in store for me than anything my human mind could come up with, plan, or orchestrate. So please Lord, mess up my plans! Give me what You know is better.
His way is perfect, but that doesn’t mean it will always make sense to us.
His way is purposeful, but that doesn’t mean things can’t feel chaotic.
His way is what’s best for us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t feel frustrated and ask why.
There is peace to be found, even in the chaos. I hold tight and take comfort in these things, especially during a year of unknowns and many, many spoiled plans. What an incredible thing it is that we are loved so deeply and purely by someone so massively powerful. He is the God of the wilderness, and He is the God over us. I hope this song connects you with His wild, warrior heart that desires intimacy and closeness with you.
God of the Wilderness Lyrics:
Your hand stretches over us
We're covered by your shadow
Your hand is what we can trust
Through the wild
Your arm reaches out to us
We’re sheltered by your power
Your voice is what we can trust
In the wild
In the Fierceness of the waters
The height of waves
Every ripple in the ocean is calling my name
And even in the storm I won't be afraid
You're sovereign hand remains
You are you are
A mountain to the hill I'm climbing
You are you are
The chaos to my perfect timing
You're the God of the wilderness
You're the God of the wilderness
You're there in the distance
Building the horizon
Then you pull me close as a whisper
Through the wild
In the fierceness of the waters
The height of waves
Every ripple in the ocean is calling my name
And even in the storm I won't be afraid
You're sovereign hand remains
You are you are
A mountain to the hill I'm climbing
You are you are
The chaos to my perfect timing
You're the God of the wilderness
You're the God of the wilderness
I will run to your safety
When I’m out of control
You made the heights and the valleys
And you won’t let me go
You are you are
A mountain to the hill I'm climbing
You are you are
The chaos to my perfect timing
You're the God of the wilderness
You're the God of the wilderness